Christmas time in Piemonte.
Christmas time is the season of joy, lights and warmth. Why should you consider visiting Piedmont during Christmas season? All the things you love about Christmas you can find here (just bring your loved ones). If you have visited Piemonte before, everything you love about the region becomes even better having acquired the magic of Christmas during Advent season. These are my highlights:
Christmas market in Turin
The Piedmontese capital presents the 13th edition of its sumptuous Christmas market Mercatino di Natale from 4th to 23th December on Piazza Borgo Dora. Enjoy a great variety of Piedmontese specialities like truffles, chocolates and sample regional wines from producers. Admire the art of crib making illustrating the Christmas tale in the crib museum and be astonished by its giant electro-mechanical crib. This is your chance to become involved with Piedmontese traditions yourself: try crib making, glass blowing or making chocolates in one of the interactive workshops.
Il magico paese di Natale in Govone
Each December in Govone, a small town in the province of Cuneo, the path leading to its castle turns into Il Magico Paese di Natale – A magical village of Christmas offering all the joys of the season warming up hearts and bellies alike – vin bruleé, hot chocolate, torrone and many more. Find biological products, regional specialities and Christmas decorations like cribs to take home with you from 29th November 2014 to 6th January 2015. Govone castle is part of the Residences of the Royal House of Savoy, a UNESCO world heritage site since 1997.
Santa Claus’ real cave
If you have ever wondered where in Italy Santa Claus resides it must be in an old marble cave in Ornavasso, in the Ossola valley in the far Northeast of Piemonte, from 22nd November to 6th January. It is not Santa alone doing all the work, his dwarf assistants land many hands setting up activities and plays for young and older visitors. You might not be the only family interested in Santa Claus’ Italian home and smaller queues may occur.

Turin’s artistic light festival
Since 1st November until 11th January Turin, the Piedmontese capital is lit up by beautiful lights of the festival ‘Luci d’artista‘ turning the town’s open spaces into an exhibition of contemporary art. Turin’s baroque palaces, elegant squares and arches become a festive and magical scenery.
Skiing in winter wonderland
You have surely spotted the snow covered mountain tops already. Don’t hesitate to immerse yourself into a winter wonderland in one of the 50 skiing resorts with more than 1,300 km of slopes in the region. Every winter sports lover finds his or her winter sports activity here: snowboarding and skiing, free-riding, snow-shoeing and even dog sledging. Climbers cherish the icefalls in Valsesia. All about activities in the snow you find on Piemonteneve.
Incantevole! Enchanting! Magical! Italy is fabulous in the Christmas season!
It’s my preferred period of the year.