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Christmas in Emilia-Romagna


The Christmas fair in Sant’Agata Feltria village

Sant’Agata Feltria is my favourite Christmas village in Marecchia Valley, province of Rimini. From 30th of November to 21th of December 2014 you have to imagine a big Christmas fair along the narrow streets of this medieval village that takes place for five consecutive sundays. This is an important event for all those (like me) who love Christmas markets.

Why this medieval village is so gorgeous for me?

First of all when you arrive by car from Rimini you will be impressed from the view of Fregoso fortress. It seems like a fairytale castle and certainly will you wish to visit the inside of the fortress. Now it is a museum. The center is really small and before you dive into the crowd invades every sunday Sant’Agata Feltria,  visit also the Collegiate church (built in the 1oth century) and the Mariani theatre. Why? It is one of the oldest in Italy and it is made entirely of wood with 3 orders of boxes adorned with decorations.

If you have the opportunity to spend a Sunday in this village, don’t think only what to eat or drink, but enjoy also a place discovering its arts and its monuments. When you will see the Snail Fountain surely you will say ‘What amazing fountain is it?’. It is a poetic symbol dedicated to slowness, built following an idea of Tonino Guerra, one of the most important poets in Romagna.

Walking along the streets you will be haunted by the Christmas atmosphere with the traditional sounds of bagpipes or the handcrafted cribs display in the oldest street of Sant’Agata, Battelli street. During the fair all the restaurants serve food following traditions and customs of this Christmas period and a special menu called ‘Advent Dishes’. But, if you want spend less you have also the opportunity to taste food in a large covered and heated stand in the principal square.

Anyway all around the center of Sant’Agata Feltria you will have the opportunity to buy Christmas handmade decorations, taste confectionery or chocolate, but also cheese. For example you will can taste the famouse Fossa cheese, an important product with a strong smell. Not only, you can also see a real Laplander with his reindeers. Every time I take part in this Christmas fair I come home with bags full of Christmas sweets, new decorations for the Christmas tree.

My advice is to visit this Christmas fair by mid-December. If you’re lucky you might see a Sant’Agata Feltria completely covered with snow. In recent years, snow can be seen around February and March, but every year I hope the good fortune to walk the streets of this medieval village between snow flakes and cups of hot chocolate!

For further information visit the official web site.


I'm a Italy lover, mom of two, living in central Italy and I love travelling. I have a degree in Tourism economics and management and now I'm a consultant helping businesses working in tourism.

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